Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Truth About Tobacco

Patrick Reynolds was the first tobacco industry figure to turn his back on the cigarette makers. He's a grandson of the tobacco company founder R.J. Reynolds, but the family's cigarette brands, Camel and Winston, killed his father and eldest brother.

Since first speaking out in Congress in 1986, Patrick has been a well respected champion for a tobacco free society. In hundreds of live talks before universities, middle schools and high schools, and with over 6,000 copies of his educational video purchased by schools and health departments, Mr. Reynolds has reached well over a million youth in school with his powerful talk about the dangers of tobacco.

"In a little over an hour, Reynolds went from being just another anti-tobacco speaker to something special," commented one local paper. Recent news articles about his appearances illustrate how his appearances can bring the tobaccofree message to the whole community, and build goodwill for sponsors.

A short phone call to a local hospital will plant the idea with its Community Relations Director to sponsor his talk. County health departments and tobaccofree coalitions will often chip in. Print out our Five Minute Plan now and make one call!

See the quotes from teachers who saw him speak live. Mr. Reynolds also offers a highly motivational lecture program for universities.

Patrick Reynolds is devoting his life to furthering the goal of a smokefree society, and to motivating young people to stay tobacco free.

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